Taking the Plunge on AI in Education

Taking the Plunge on AI in Education
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“It looks deep,” I said.

“It's definitely cold,” my wife replied. 

“Those rocks look sharp,”

“These sand flies are relentless!” 

“A towel would be nice,”  

“We’re just in our underwear!” 

We paused, looking at each other, “1-2-3 JUMP!” 

Before leaping into New Zealand’s Pelorus River, the backdrop for The Hobbit’s barrel scene, my wife and I shared this playful exchange. What made the moment special wasn’t just our numerous bumps and bruises or the sandfly bites, but our readiness to jump in.

When Artificial Intelligence began reshaping education, as a teaching center director, I couldn’t just watch — I had to dive in to grasp its full impact.

As you navigate the AI landscape, bumps and hurdles are inevitable. Yet, engaging directly with the technology simplifies plotting your course. The AI expert advises spending at least 10 hours to fully appreciate its capabilities and limitations.

AI can be as pesky as those sandflies—a lesson I learned in fall 2023 when students aced online homework yet failed in-class tests on the same topics. Years of navigating the rocky terrain of the student-teacher dynamic have steered me toward practicality in teaching. Ignoring AI or banning it was not an option — I’m a teacher, not a traffic cop.

In the spring, I chose a new path with my students. We didn't just acknowledge AI; we explored its workings, ethics, and implications. I encouraged them to test its limits. Rote calculus tasks like my online questions, mere child's play for AI, led us to shift from asking “What’s the answer?” to “Why is that the answer?”

During the pandemic, I devised an assessment method that turned the tables: instead of giving tests, I took ones my students designed. This initiative, humorously dubbed “the cheat-proof calculus test,” transformed our approach.

While the human mind excels at juggling multiple concepts to craft detailed calculus tests, AI falls short. Students couldn’t simply input my instructions into an AI model and expect it to spit out a test. Instead, they shifted from merely answering "what" the answers were to crafting their own questions—and more crucially, exploring "why" these questions were meaningful. Take that you metaphorical sandflies!

The "cheat-proof" test lived up to its name during the first two rounds. But when Jack, a dedicated B+ student, aced the third test, I wondered if I'd hit another jagged rock. Rather than suspect him, I celebrated his success and inquired if he'd leveraged AI creatively—and indeed, he had!

As a professor at a small liberal arts college, I pride myself on the relationships I develop with my students.  So, by the time of the third test, Jack and I had developed a good relationship. I knew his name, where he was from, and his position on the football team. 

This rapport meant that when I asked about his use of AI, Jack was open about his methods.

His response was eye-opening! He had engaged in a sophisticated, 14,000-word dialogue with AI, showcasing a 'cyborg' approach—where human and AI capabilities are intertwined and enhance each other, unlike the 'centaur' approach, which keeps human and AI tasks separate.

Jack’s cyborg approach involved an interactive dialogue with AI, more akin to a dynamic group discussion than simply receiving answers. This exemplified a genuine integration of AI into the learning process.

Eager to tap into AI’s educational potential, I posed a final challenge to Jack. I threw some sandflies his way by asking if he could use AI to master a completely new concept, and then test him orally. I selected three questions on advanced topics that stretched beyond our usual curriculum. To his credit, Jack jumped right in!

Jack grasped the first two questions well, demonstrating that students can indeed learn effectively from AI. The third question, however, presented some bumps. That's when I intervened as a teacher. With a few probing questions and a practical example, Jack mastered it, showing that while AI can guide, it does not replace the human touch. We both learned and grew from the experience, albeit with a few bruises.

What I've learned is clear: We shouldn't fear AI in our classrooms. It's already here, and it's here to stay. Properly leveraging AI means using it as a tool to enhance our teaching and augment student learning, not as a crutch or a threat. Let's celebrate these learning opportunities—even the missteps—as they guide us on this new path.

Dive into AI. Don’t watch from the sidelines—engage with it. Like Jack, discover how AI can revolutionize teaching and deepen comprehension.

Build trust and forge deep connections with your students. This trust will empower them to use AI thoughtfully, enhancing their learning and critical thinking skills.

Push beyond the boundaries. AI is a new tool capable of expanding educational possibilities. Encourage students to use AI not just for answers but to ask better, deeper questions.

Be sure to keep the human in the loop. The future's successful educators will be those who prioritize their students' well-being, focusing on nurturing rapport and fostering community. This human element ensures we stay indispensable as guides in the evolving educational landscape.

I invite you to dive deeply into the thoughtful integration of technology to expand minds and inspire curiosity in your students and yourselves. Let's make education about the questions we inspire our students to ask. Ready? 1-2-3 JUMP!

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